Tuesday, 15 December 2015

December #Peel21st Blog Hop - A few of My Favourite Things

It's hard to believe that it's already December. Mother Nature is still giving us fall weather (Thanks Mother Nature!) and it feels like we haven't been at school all that long.  And.... we're onto our 2nd #peel21st Blog Hop!

This month's topic is "A Few of My Favourite Things." So here, in no apparent order, are some of my favourite things.

Right now, my favourite website as a go-to on inquiry based learning is www.makinggoodhumans.wordpress.com   This is a great website to answer questions on IB learning, finding out about how to build an IB classroom, or just to gain some much needed affirmation about IB learning.

My favourite Tweeters are The York Region Nature Collaborative (@YRNature) and Diane Kashin (@DianeKashin1).  They both give meaning to outdoor play and exploration and post great articles about bringing nature to the classroom and the classroom to nature.

My favourite professional book right now is "Black Ants and Buddhists" by Mary Cowhey.  This book is about bringing critical thinking and social justice to primary classrooms. A great read with lots of real world experiences. 

My favourite Pinterest Board is to follow any kind of Reggio inspired boards from educators from around the world. There are lots of great pins about ideas for the Reggio classroom.

My favourite hashtag is #reggioplc.  A group of like-minded educators post pics, articles and ideas using this hashtag. Another great resource!

So that's about it! Join in the #peel21st December Blog Hop to see the favourite things of other #peel21st educators! Here are just a few listed below!

Heather Lyehttp://teachinginspirations.blogspot.com/2015/12/my-favourite-things-december-bloghop.html

Amit Mehrotrahttp://mramitmehrotra.blogspot.ca/

Jason Wigmorehttps://jwigmore.wordpress.com/2015/12/15/a-few-of-my-favourite-things/

Jonathan Sohttp://mrsoclassroom.blogspot.com/2015/12/5-favourite-things.html

Jim Cashhttp://makelearn.org/2015/12/15/a-few-of-my-favourite-things/

Tina Zitahttps://misszita.wordpress.com/2015/12/16/peel21st-blog-hop-a-few-of-my-favourite-things/

Maggie Fayhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/vusno76viphg63c/My%20favourite%20things%20post%20%20for%20Peel21st.mov?dl=0

Gina Loutrianakishttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fp2u3s801ZLXGnGOS6h2gtYkYPDaya-b1rbFjPdnn5Y/edit
Stay mindful this holiday season! 
